Gunung Rokatenda, Made Explosive Eruption

On June, I have 2 times visit Paluweh Volcano, this time i can get very close from the New Lava Dome call name "Rorem Bola"
During this Time, Earth Quake coming every 20-30 minute after that at the Dome have small rock fall and also land Shaking.

On July, about 2 week local people report no more earth quake and on July 28,2013 local people report have a plume from the New Lava Dome. after that like no more activity like this photo

on August 01, 2013 16.00 the Lava Dome Made Explosive eruption but only a few minute.. like this photo..

then on August 04,2013 at 01.30 am, Rikatenda Volcano also explosive Again at west flank of New Lava Dome.  10 hours later I visit the Volcano to see the changing after explosive

New Lava Dome after Explosive eruption, also during this eruption made Lava Bomb about 1.5 km from The Lava Dome.

and then on August 10,2013 at 04.00 Gunung Rokatenda, Made Explosive again and also made Pyroclastic flow into the sea at westnorth Flank, this time kill 5 people from Roka role village.

my local contact say still have ash.. and I was thinking the Lava Dome still Growing.! I hope next eruption no more local people died


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